EPP Hexie Stocking Tutorial
EPP is all about sewing slow, enjoying the process and taking time for yourself, especially amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
The hexie stocking is a fun beginner friendly English Paper Piecing project, and with our free stocking pattern and blog tutorials, you can create a handmade stocking that you look forward to displaying year after year.
If you've never tried EPP before I've made it easy for you and put all my tried and true EPP Essentials in one kit! And if you are looking to sew along with me using speckled in 2024 I have a complete hexie stocking kit that includes the fabric you need too!
Sign up for my newsletter and I'll send you the stocking template for free!
Hexie Stocking Tutorials
I have detailed tutorials going through the whole hexie stocking process, from cutting and basting your hexagons to quilting and assembling your stocking! Work at your own pace to find out how to create your own english paper pieced heirloom stocking.
Cutting + Basting your Hexagons

Stitching your Hexagons
Creating a Hexagon Panel
Quilting Your Stocking Panel
Assemble Your Stocking
Be sure to use the hashtag #hexiestockingsal and tag me @cambervillethreads on Instagram, I'd love to see your stocking!!